Good afternoon.
My voice isn't quite AWOL anymore; I'm husky, husky, darling, and trying to work it in with my character for the play tomorrow - which is a little difficult because I started out as a tinnily high pitched cockney social-climber. Every time I go to shriek in terror or surprise - or even raise my voice to a little above normal pitch - this weird little squeak forces its way out of my throat, trampling my vocal chords in stiletto heels. So I must sexily murmur surprised sounds and do my best to be sultry rather than snappy. Am loving my costars' costumes (and alliterating a lot in this blog, I notice); I don't think I really ever start to get excited about a play until the costumes and props all take their places in shining glory.
This play is interesting for me in that I don't have many lines (last year I was the *mwa-ha-ha* villain of the piece) and so there are entire scenes in which I say nothing at all, just hang on the arm of the chappie who plays my boyfriend and flutter my eyelids whilst everybody earnestly dialogues around me. It's easy to forget I even have any lines... which leads to awkward situations in which I suddenly look up and everybody's staring at me, waiting for my line. I also end up not knowing when I'm meant to be onstage because I've grown lazy and left it to the other two actors in the onstage 'love triangle' (which, I must admit, is a fun little piece of geometry to be acting) to nudge me into position.
But I must admit to having a ball. This, I suspect, will be a play to remember - not only as my last in homeschool drama :( but also for its own sake. Look forward to it, my dear bloggeroos...
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