Oh. My. Gosh. Doctor Who people, that was ridiculously creepy. And then the creepiness got a bit boring. But still...
And the creepiness was made even more creepy by the fact that I spent the previous two hours watching The Bells of St Mary's - i.e., the tamest thing to come out of the 40s. A heartwarming film about a Catholic school run by Bing Crosby ('Father O'Malley') and Ingrid Bergman ('Sister Benedict'). There were things in it that had me smiling but bewildered - a nun teaching a little boy to box so that he can defend himself in the playground? What? Bizarre. According to wikipedia though (yes, I know about the trustworthiness of publicly edited websites) it's the 50th highest grossing film of all time. There you go. And the (horrific if your imagination is as graphic as mine) quote I'm using for the heading? It's from this film.
There is a scene I quite liked. Here, watch it.
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