I am a sad, sad person. To demonstrate: I cried on the bus this evening whilst reading about C. S. Lewis's death... which happened 28 years before I was born. So... yeah. I also just sat down and watched Mulan 2, which wasn't as horrendously bad as I expected it to be. Didn't cry in that, probably because my beloved Lee-babies explained the twist and ending to me beforehand (they love spoilers. I don't know if I'll ever be able to enjoy Harry Potter - if I ever read it - knowing as much as I do now... because of their desire to remove any surprises!)
Bleuhhh. I feel like a deflated beach ball or a romantic poet or something. Somebody hug me! Quickly!
Clap your hands if you believe in fairies!
Today I made a giant pot of spaghetti bolognese, whilst listening to James youtubing National Geographic videos about killer whales and helping Joshua make noodles out of playdough...
Ahaha! Just nipped out, mid-blog, to watch QI . Coz I'm cool like that. The only people I recognised (besides Stephen Fry, whose nose is really really wonky... thanks Monica for pointing that out *incredibly distracted*) were Barry Humphries and Bill Bailey. Apparently the red stuff that oozes out of meat when you cook it isn't blood. It's myoglobin, not haemoglobin, and it does something different to what blood does. I love information!

Argh. I hate these evenings in some ways. My brain is broken - keeps playing the same thoughts over and over again. Here's one of the worst for you: what if I never ever meet somebody that I can love and who loves me back? Romantically, I mean; there are several people whom I love very much in the non-romantic way (and you may count yourself in the very selective list, my dear reader. Yes, you may. (unless you are Hurstville library. In that case I feel unsure of my feelings towards you, considering the extraordinary amounts of money you have charged me for overdue books over the years.))

I mean, seriously. Whatever will I do with myself if I wind up a crotchety old lady, dying with the name of God on her lips, without those lips ever having tasted true love's first kiss? (belated Warning: I reserve the right to be as sentimental as I please here) Come on! Please? Please, no?!
Good night dear readers. Please pray that I sleep through the lonely, chilly 3am that is sure to come in only a very few hours.
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